My Philosophy
Carp fishing is in my blood, the addiction for me is like no other sport. The challenges it poses from lake to lake is what drives me as I am sure it does for many of you.
With over 30 years of experience in carp fishing the desire to catch certain carp is stronger than ever and may that passion continue. Determination and effort are two words high on my list when it comes to catching carp, the lengths that I go to are both demanding and challenging not to mention sometimes crazy. I’m constantly trying to keep one step ahead of the game in order to maintain consistent results.
After receiving hundreds of messages on Facebook and other social media sites regarding bait over the last few years I have decided to compliment my range of popups with a small selection of my favourite hooks where I have extensively searched out the sharpest and strongest for there size.
With a saturation of baits currently on the market with unrealistic claims, I felt it was paramount to produce my baits in a totally different way to everybody else, simply to maintain a high level of results. I feel it’s the small changes that can have a massive effect on your catch rates, so I have released my exclusive range of blended popups that are as attractive as possible incorporating 'OLD SKOOL' ingredients that have been proven time and time again. Carefully selected flavours, natural attractors, powdered palatants, minerals, soluble oils, essential oils, and not forgetting sweeteners are added which to myself and a few close friends have been simply outstanding.